Play Packages



Now you and your pet can return home feeling well rested and pampered from both of your vacations. While you are away, your dog will be treated to all of our fine services throughout their stay at our kennel. Your special pooch will receive:

  •  A half-hour S&E Program session every day for the duration of their stay
  • The Spotless Dog Bath or Professional Grooming (by request)
  • Perfect Paws Nail-Cutting
  • Attentive Ear Cleanse

Make your pup fresh, clean, and extra happy. Book the Pampered Pup today!


If you’d like us to come visit your home and take care of your pets in their own surroundings, we’d be more than happy to talk about your needs! If you’re running late after work and need us to let out your pups for some exercise and a bathroom break, or if you are going away for a long weekend and need us to take care of your furry friend a few times every day, we can accommodate your schedule.

Every household is different, but in general, a consultation at your home is first priority. Schedule and duration of care, safety precautions, general at-home tasks, and a brief assessment to see if your canine will allow entry into your home will be determined at this time.

Please ask us any questions about our at-home care program. We want you to be 100% comfortable knowing your home and pets are in great hands.